Jan 12, 2023Liked by Cassie Gutman

This was a delightful throwback to see in in my inbox. I read this in high school and remember it being sad but really liking it. I don't own a copy but I prefer the 20th anniversary or original cover, now I want to re-read it. Appreciate you highlighting this book, Woodson got me through some tough times as a teen and I want to see more folks read her backlist <3

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Thanks for putting If You Come Softly on my radar. I've only listened to one of Woodson's books, and I enjoyed it. I don't know why I haven't read more of her books. That is changing as I just downloaded it from Libby.

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I enjoy looking it book covers and couldn't help notice how drastically different both the book covers were? They give totally different vibes about the book. I wonder which cover suits the story inside more.

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